Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Here is the latest painting I've been working on. Unfortunately, I have done almost next to nothing art wise this summer and I am not happy about that. However, rarely being home for most of July due to work hasn't helped.

Anyways, I started her back in June and I let her sit there and dry for quite some time. Then Like I said I got busy and I could no longer work on her. I knew that there were issues that needed to be addressed in her, but I was getting so stressed with other parts in my life I was totally unmotivated to create just about anything.

Not good.

Well, I'm off until Friday and I've made it a point this week to stop stressing over things I have no control over, so far it's working. Anyways, last night I was listening to music and I randomly started fixing her using my white oil stick. After I made my notes on her, I brought her back up to my room and started painting. Upon this I realized we had both changed and that her position was no longer working for me. So instead of keeping on fighting with her pose, I changed her.

This is really a rough basis for how I want Flora ( that's right she already has a name) to now look. I'm much happier with her.